sketch - pretty dancer
I'm so excited I feel like dancing! I've joined the zero2illo 12 week challenge and can't wait to start. Look at other participants and read about it here. Many, many thanks to Jonathan Woodward and his hard work. All the best!
PS. What do you think about my pretty dancer? Isn't she gorgeous?
I'm in too!! Te veo en el challenge!
Hi Marcela!
Just wanted to say 'Hi' and introduce myself, I'm a fellow 12WC challenger. I was going to send you a private message, but I guess you can't do that until a friend request has been approved over at the clubhouse - so here I am. I've seen your work before on IF, but it's been awhile, I'm glad you're in the 12WC so I can keep up with it, your stuff is SO cool! I just checked out your website, and I love all of it, but my favorites are your painterly work. Everything is so original and fun and your style is unique - I couldn't help but think of Tim Burton though! And yes, your dancer is quite the looker, no wallflowers here!
I'm following you here on your blog and on twitter. Here's my link, if your'e interested take a peek, cheers! Susan
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